"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying." (Oscar Wilde)

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Program Maju Diri
Thursday, January 19

Hi Assalamualaikum.
Lamaaa gilaaaaa tak update post kan. And saya pun dh menyampah tengok blog saya sebab takde post yg
di-update even Me the writter. Hahaahhah. Bukak blog tasya tyra. Huh. Tkde post baruuuu  u__u  Oh c'mon. What the hell day. Boredom.

Yesterday we had PMD - Program Maju Diri. Oh memang aku benci gila o.O  Except the part where we have to dance The Chicken Dance. And Mr Azhar said theres a lot of chicken there. Hahahhah. Include the "Ayam Tua" Hoh? Best jugak laaaaaa sebab yeaaa it realize me. I mean the program. I took the motivation part but not the others. Cikgu Azhar was the best. Hohoho, teringat kat Khaidir doh. Masa darjah 6 dia yg paling kepoh. And and dia pernah jugaklaaaa PENGSAN kat sekolah disebabkan Athma dia. Eh pahal aku cakap pasal Khaidir pulak? T-T 

Back to our main topic. Um, yesterday was not really good day. I had a HEADACHE ! And totally Hate it. Errrrr, rasa nk tumbang je. Lepas makan goreng pisang, it's getting better. Alhamdulillahh, tak teruk sangat. Hari nihh Betty absent. Dia ada kejohanan merentas desa. Hope she'll do the best for our school. I'll pray for you buddy. Just do your best okay ! Go Betty Go ! 
Ends of story. Lastly, me love you all - xoxo

layout by ellie. image from weheartit.