"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying." (Oscar Wilde)

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I need more time.
Monday, January 30

Hi Hello Readers. 
Um, takde apa nk cerita cuma.. Errrr ! Aku geram dengan kau ! My computer was so bad. And the lappy? Garghhhhh. What the hell is wrong with both of them huh?! Internet lembab gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... Computer rosaaaaaaaakk... charger lappy i don't what's wrong with it! v.vt  Uishh. Huh. Today is 30th January 2012. Mean what? Cuti sekolah dah nk habis HABIS. I repeat, it's over! Damn. Seminggu tk online. Okay nevermind. Takkesah. Errr, kesah laaaaa jugak. Tipu laaaaa kalau takkesah kan :p Cikgu, give us more holiday please. Seminggu mana cukup doh.

Semalam. I don't really understand it, but tetiba rasa sedih macam aku nk mati besok. I mean, hari nih. Sumpah aku taktahu kenapa. Aku memang berharap sangat aku dapat bangun hari ni and.. i praise Allahh much time. I woke up this morning. Yguys just imagine, once you sleep and you won't wake up again. Oh damn aku takut gilaaaaaaaaaaaa. Surely banyak dosa kat parent kan. So do i. Okay taknak ceramah kat sini macam Ustazah dh. Hihik ^^ Blog takde apa nk di-edit. Walaupun nk sangat transform-kan blog aku nih ha. Hidup mcm RODA. Dulu aku dh puas online, now it's to me to give up the happiness to others. Okaybye.

layout by ellie. image from weheartit.